Ramon's Fabulous Factsheet
Ramon's Fabulous Factsheet

Ramon’s Growing Tips – Factsheet Calendar

Each month, our Addingham Garden expert, Ramon, shares his passion and expertise to help your gardens and allotments thrive like never before! Check out the release schedule below to stay updated on all the helpful tips and tricks.

OCTOBER (Read Factsheet)Seeds to sow in autumn
NOVEMBER (Read Factsheet)Winter ground prep and ‘no dig’ process
DECEMBER (Read Factsheet)Seed buying. Recommended varieties and sourcing for growing & showing
DECEMBER PART II (Read Factsheet)Seeds to sow in Feb/March for first crops
JANUARY (Read Factsheet)Dahlia Growing
FEBRUARYFertilisers made simple
MARCHPest control – insecticide & fungicide spraying
APRILGrowing for Showing
MAYWeeding made easy
AUGUSTGrowing for seed
SEPTEMBERFruit bush & tree pruning